Our First Motorcoach Christmas
December 25, 2014 at 11:13 pm,
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Motor coaching has its challenges and there have been many days that we wanted to run and hide. To say, "there is a learning curve" would be a blatant understatement. There is a learning MOUNTAIN. New systems, fixes and adjustments, things that look wrong but aren't and quirks. Our current challenge? No toilet! (that's right. It's a no toilet holiday.)
After 18 years of excellent service the beautiful, air powered, porcelain throne decided to begin leaking into the floorboards. NOT A GOOD DEAL. Unfortunately, this super expensive beast is no longer manufactured, nor are any other air powered units. And so for the last 2 weeks we have been walking across the park throughout the day and night to use the RV parks bathrooms. (a great way to get exercise.)
On Monday we are hoping for an Amazon miracle. We have ordered a Thetford Aria Classic and are praying it will not only FIT but actually WORK using our existing plumbing. If not, we will need to take our coach to Eugene and have a professionally installed air, power, water unit put in. That seems like alot of expense for a toilet. So, we are hoping that Amazon can come to the rescue. :)
Christmas was spent without a bathroom but with family for the first time in 7 years. This year we visited my Uncle and Aunt and 4 adult cousins with their children I hadn't seen many of them in over 15 years so it was fun to connect and see how everyone has changed. It was amazing to see how their children looked so much like I remembered them as kids. How time flies.